trusted program

英 [ˈtrʌstɪd ˈprəʊɡræm] 美 [ˈtrʌstɪd ˈproʊɡræm]




  1. Be extremely careful if your trusted program will share a directory with potentially untrusted users.
  2. For example, a trusted program could create a file in such a directory, and an untrusted user could delete and rename.
  3. He told business leaders that Obama has changed his position on some key questions of NASA funding in recent months and should not be trusted to support the program.
  4. Implementation Method of Trusted Monitor Program Based on Smart Card
  5. Supporting for the security policy flexibility is one of the goals of modern secure operating systems. The DTOS ( distributed trusted operating system) program put forth a concept of security policy lattice, which provides a good way for the research on security policy flexibility.
  6. In the same time, Trusted Computing Platform can prevent the run of virus program and malicious code. This platform also solves the security problem of encrypt system and run environment.
  7. Trusted Computing Platform only performs the program that is assured by trusted root, and ensures the running program is legal.
  8. We designed the hardware of E-signature terminal and the software module of signature management system and the communication protocol of Trusted E-signature system and finally realize the main program of signature terminal and development the signature management system.